Manarat Science Club

Website Terms & Conditions Imprint

Manarat Science Club
Plot (CEN) # 16, Road # 104, Gulshan,
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh

Manarat Science Club (Hereinafter termed as “MSC”) is an entity independent of Manarat Dhaka International School & College (MDIC). However, we partner closely with MDIC to help organize extra-curricular activies, such as Science Fair, for its students and educators.

Copyright and Trademarks

Our texts, photos, drawings and videos are protected by copyright. Use is only permitted with prior consent of the creator or other rights holder. In particular, such content may not be copied and/or made publicly accessible without such consent.

The use of logos, company names or product names regularly requires prior consent of the rights holder. This also applies to our logos and lettering, which are protected by trademark law.

Liability for Content

We provide links to sites of certain other businesses. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating, and we do not warrant the offerings of, any of these businesses or individuals or the content of their websites. Unless explicitly stated otherwise we do not assume any responsibility or liability for the actions, product, and content of all of these or any other third parties.

Website Designed and Developed by  Raihanul Kabir, B23